Remove Bad Reviews

Remove Bad Reviews

Getting a bad review can be detrimental to your business. There are ways for us to see if we can help you get them removed.You only pay once they are removed.

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Fake Reviews

Customer Satisfaction

False Claims

Irrelevant Reviews

Remove Bad Reviews

Contrary to the well-known saying, not all publicity is good publicity. Receiving a bad online review can be detrimental to your business and its reputation. However, our experts may be able to help you get them removed. To guarantee your satisfaction with our work, you’ll only pay if we cann ensure the review’s removal.

Remove Bad Reviews 2

If a client receives a negative review from Google, we recommend they take these 7 simple steps:


  • First, don’t panic. We know that is easier said than done as a business owner but there are many ways to mitigate a negative review, and our experts can help guide you through the process.
  • Be sure to evaluate the situation objectively and realistically
  • Respond quickly and courteously, this gives you an opportunity to show other customers your customer service skills and gain potential customers
  • If the review is fake, flag it for removal (If you already know you want to remove a fake Google review, skip ahead to this section.)
  • If the review is inappropriate, flag the review as inappropriate, Google does not tolerant inappropriate content and it will be taken off your business listing swiftly.
  • Resolve the situation and do your best to establish a positive relationship with the customer
  • If these steps do not work for you, give us a call and we will head up the process of removing the review, you will not be required to pay until the review is gone.

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